How To Dump a Tape With FANG

FANG is a general purpose file utility package. One of the many operations it performs is tape dumping. This manual is intended for the user who wishes to use FANG to dump a tape. The user is assumed to have had some experience using other tape dump packages. For complete descriptions of the commands mentioned in this manual, refer to the "FANG User Guide", which is the definitive reference on FANG. FANG is invoked with the control statement:


Following the control statement are a series of commands. commands are free format and have the general format:

        <command>,<options> <parameters>

as on a control statement, if no options are present, the comma after the command name is omitted.



DUMP dumps a specified number of blocks from a file. options control mode and dump editing format. The command has the form:

        DUMP,<options>  <filename>,<count>

which will dump <count> blocks of file <filename> and leave the file positioned at the end of the blocks dumped. The dump will stop if an end-of-file is encountered or a tape error occurs. The assumed dump format is Fieldata alphanumeric. Options are:

        A         Edit dump as ASCII characters.
        I         Edit dump as decimal integers.
        K         Edit dump in octal, Fieldata, and
                  ASCII side-by-side.
        M         Interpret <count> as a count of files,
                  not blocks.
        N         List block lengths only, don't dump.
        O         Edit dump in octal.
        T         Omit spaces between words.

If <count> is omitted, infinity is assumed unless the 'M' option is on, in which case one is assumed. The following runstream will dump in alphanumeric all blocks of tape 1672 up to an end-of-file mark.

@RUN runid,account,project
@ASG,T DTAP,T,1672

The following dumps the first three files:

dump,m dtap,3

The following dumps the first block in octal:

dump,o dtap,1


LIST is identical to DUMP, except that a block count of one is always assumed if the <count> parameter is omitted. To dump one block of file dtap in alphanumeric, the command:

        LIST dtap

will suffice.


POSITION moves a tape over a specified number of blocks or files. The format of the command is:

        POSITION,<options>  <filename>,<count>

If no options are supplied, the tape is moved <count> blocks forward. The 'B' option moves the tape <count> blocks backward. the 'M' option causes the tape to be moved <count> files forward or backward if the 'B' option is absent or present respectively. if the tape is being moved backward by files, the tape will be moved backward until the specified number of file marks are encountered and then moved forward over the last file mark. This leaves the tape at the beginning of that file. If <count> is omitted, 1 is assumed.

To dump block 14 of a tape:

position dtap,13
list dtap

to dump block 20 in both alphabetic and octal:

position dtap,19
list dtap
position,b dtap,1
list,o dtap

to dump the last block in file 3 of a tape:

position,m dtap,3
position,b dtap,2
list dtap


REWIND may be used to rewind files:

        REWIND,<options>  <file1>,<file2>,...

rewinds file1, file2, etc. The 'I' option rewinds with interlock. To rewind files a, b, and tapx:

rewind a,b,tapx