HotBits Pseudorandom Generator

Statistical Testing


While it's essential that the theory behind a pseudorandom number generator be well understood, and that its software realisation be carefully verified to implement the theoretical design, there is no substitute for detailed statistical testing of the actual output of the generator against the expectation for genuinely random data.

A large data set produced by the HotBits pseudorandom generator has been subjected to the scrutiny of three different randomness test suites, whose results are presented below. You can download this large data set and subject it to your own analyses, if you are so inclined.

There are many different ways to test for randomness, but all of them, in essence, boil down to computing a mathematical metric from the data stream being tested and comparing the result with the expectation value for an infinite sequence of genuinely random data. For a truly random sequence, any value is equally probable. The sequence of bits “0000000000000000” is just as likely to occur in a random data stream as “1100100100001111”, and is no less “random”. (The latter sequence is, in fact, the first sixteen bits of the mathematical constant π in binary, whose algorithmic complexity is only modestly greater than the all zero sequence!)

Randomness can be defined only statistically over a long sequence, which is why it is essential to test a large data set. Data can fail to be random in many ways. For example, one of the most obvious tests one can apply to a sequence of binary data is to count the number of ones and zeroes: as the length of the sequence increases, the difference in these values can be used to calculate the probability the sequence is random. But this test, used in isolation, would consider a sequence of alternating zero and one bits (“0101010101010101…”) perfectly random. Hence, it must be used as part of a test battery, including other measures which are sensitive to repeating patterns, improbably long runs of zeroes and ones, and other, more subtle, deviations from randomness.

Speaking as a programmer and not a mathematician or statistician, the two widely-used randomness test batteries: Diehard and the NIST SP 800-22 Statistical Test Suite, whose results are reported below, are quite messy and fragile programs. When using them, it is wise to use data sets of the same size as those employed in the examples supplied with the programs, and to select test parameters identical to those of the examples. In my experience, deviating from the domain in which the programs are known to have been tested may yield surprising and dismaying results. Also, before testing your own data with one of these test batteries, be sure to re-run the examples in the documentation and verify that you're able to reproduce the published results; changes in compilers and libraries, file formats, and operating system compatibility issues may have to be resolved before you can obtain reliable results from these tests.

Tests with the Fourmilab ENT Utility

The Fourmilab ENT program is a public domain utility which tests binary data sequences, either as a series of 8 bit bytes, or as a bit stream, with five standard tests for randomness which are described in the document linked to above. These are all straightforward mathematical metrics, and while they identify major departures from randomness, may miss subtle forms of bias identified by the more comprehensive test suites. The following are the results of an ENT test of the same 11,468,800 data set used for the Diehard test battery in the next section.

Entropy = 7.999984 bits per byte.

Optimum compression would reduce the size
of this 11468800 byte file by 0 percent.

Chi square distribution for 11468800 samples is 262.19, and randomly
would exceed this value 36.51 percent of the times.

Arithmetic mean value of data bytes is 127.5088 (127.5 = random).
Monte Carlo value for Pi is 3.140586335 (error 0.03 percent).
Serial correlation coefficient is -0.000152 (totally uncorrelated = 0.0).

Tests with the Marsaglia Diehard Battery of Tests of Randomness

Professor George Marsaglia of Florida State University published the “Diehard Battery of Tests of Randomness” in 1995, as part of the Marsaglia Random Number CDROM. The Diehard tests are rather “quirky” measurements of randomness compared to the mathematical properties tested by ENT. Diehard tests include items such as a spacings between birthdays in a random population, monkeys pounding on keyboards, and games of craps. These tests, however, can be exquisitely sensitive to subtle departures from randomness, and their results can all be expressed as the probability the results obtained would be observed in a genuinely random sequence. Probability values close to zero or one indicate potential problems, while probabilities in the middle of the range are expected for random sequences. Please read the “NOTE” at the top of the results presented below about interpreting the reported probability values: with hundreds of probability values computed, some may be expected, purely by chance, to be close to one or zero.

The Diehard test suite was run on a 11,468,800 byte data set extracted from the beginning of the 16,779,776 HotBits pseudorandom test data set. I limited the data set length to that used by other Diehard examples to avoid possible problems in the code dependent upon the size of the data set.


        Most of the tests in DIEHARD return a p-value, which
        should be uniform on [0,1) if the input file contains truly
        independent random bits.   Those p-values are obtained by
        p=1-F(X), where F is the assumed distribution of the sample
        random variable X---often normal. But that assumed F is often just
        an asymptotic approximation, for which the fit will be worst
        in the tails. Thus you should not be surprised with  occasion-
        al p-values near 0 or 1, such as .0012 or .9983. When a bit
        stream really FAILS BIG, you will get p`s of 0 or 1 to six
        or more places.  By all means, do not, as a Statistician
        might, think that a p < .025 or p> .975 means that the RNG
        has "failed the test at the .05 level".  Such p`s happen
        among the hundreds that DIEHARD produces, even with good RNGs.
         So keep in mind that "p happens"

        Enter the name of the file to be tested.
        This must be a form="unformatted",access="direct" binary
        file of about 10-12 million bytes. Enter file name:

                HERE ARE YOUR CHOICES:

                1   Birthday Spacings
                2   Overlapping Permutations
                3   Ranks of 31x31 and 32x32 matrices
                4   Ranks of 6x8 Matrices
                5   Monkey Tests on 20-bit Words
                6   Monkey Tests OPSO,OQSO,DNA
                7   Count the 1`s in a Stream of Bytes
                8   Count the 1`s in Specific Bytes
                9   Parking Lot Test
                10  Minimum Distance Test
                11  Random Spheres Test
                12  The Sqeeze Test
                13  Overlapping Sums Test
                14  Runs Test
                15  The Craps Test
                16  All of the above

        To choose any particular tests, enter corresponding numbers.
        Enter 16 for all tests. If you want to perform all but a few
        tests, enter corresponding numbers preceded by "-" sign.
        Tests are executed in the order they are entered.

        Enter your choices.

        |           This is the BIRTHDAY SPACINGS TEST                |
        |Choose m birthdays in a "year" of n days.  List the spacings |
        |between the birthdays.  Let j be the number of values that   |
        |occur more than once in that list, then j is asymptotically  |
        |Poisson distributed with mean m^3/(4n).  Experience shows n  |
        |must be quite large, say n>=2^18, for comparing the results  |
        |to the Poisson distribution with that mean.  This test uses  |
        |n=2^24 and m=2^10, so that the underlying distribution for j |
        |is taken to be Poisson with lambda=2^30/(2^26)=16. A sample  |
        |of 200 j''s is taken, and a chi-square goodness of fit test  |
        |provides a p value.  The first test uses bits 1-24 (counting |
        |from the left) from integers in the specified file.  Then the|
        |file is closed and reopened, then bits 2-25 of the same inte-|
        |gers are used to provide birthdays, and so on to bits 9-32.  |
        |Each set of bits provides a p-value, and the nine p-values   |
        |provide a sample for a KSTEST.                               |
        |------------------------------------------------------------ |

                RESULTS OF BIRTHDAY SPACINGS TEST FOR ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat
        (no_bdays=1024, no_days/yr=2^24, lambda=16.00, sample size=500)

        Bits used       mean            chisqr          p-value
         1 to 24        15.55           19.9922         0.274631
         2 to 25        15.68           8.4203          0.956715
         3 to 26        15.93           21.9942         0.184944
         4 to 27        16.01           23.8379         0.123908
         5 to 28        15.66           14.6740         0.618950
         6 to 29        15.70           13.2294         0.720702
         7 to 30        15.56           19.3852         0.306874
         8 to 31        15.89           22.9957         0.149392
         9 to 32        15.85           4.2297          0.999248

                        degree of freedoms is: 17
                p-value for KStest on those 9 p-values: 0.355503

        |           THE OVERLAPPING 5-PERMUTATION TEST                |
        |This is the OPERM5 test.  It looks at a sequence of one mill-|
        |ion 32-bit random integers.  Each set of five consecutive    |
        |integers can be in one of 120 states, for the 5! possible or-|
        |derings of five numbers.  Thus the 5th, 6th, 7th,...numbers  |
        |each provide a state. As many thousands of state transitions |
        |are observed,  cumulative counts are made of the number of   |
        |occurences of each state.  Then the quadratic form in the    |
        |weak inverse of the 120x120 covariance matrix yields a test  |
        |equivalent to the likelihood ratio test that the 120 cell    |
        |counts came from the specified (asymptotically) normal dis-  |
        |tribution with the specified 120x120 covariance matrix (with |
        |rank 99).  This version uses 1,000,000 integers, twice.      |

                        OPERM5 test for file
                  (For samples of 1,000,000 consecutive 5-tuples)

                          sample 1
        chisquare=93.926036 with df=99; p-value= 0.625264

                          sample 2
        chisquare=103.403568 with df=99; p-value= 0.361050

        |This is the BINARY RANK TEST for 31x31 matrices. The leftmost|
        |31 bits of 31 random integers from the test sequence are used|
        |to form a 31x31 binary matrix over the field {0,1}. The rank |
        |is determined. That rank can be from 0 to 31, but ranks< 28  |
        |are rare, and their counts are pooled with those for rank 28.|
        |Ranks are found for 40,000 such random matrices and a chisqu-|
        |are test is performed on counts for ranks 31,30,28 and <=28. |
                Rank test for binary matrices (31x31) from ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=28        212             211.4           0.002           0.002
        r=29    5119            5134.0          0.044           0.045
        r=30    22993           23103.0         0.524           0.570
        r=31    11676           11551.5         1.341           1.911

                chi-square = 1.911 with df = 3;  p-value = 0.591

        |This is the BINARY RANK TEST for 32x32 matrices. A random 32x|
        |32 binary matrix is formed, each row a 32-bit random integer.|
        |The rank is determined. That rank can be from 0 to 32, ranks |
        |less than 29 are rare, and their counts are pooled with those|
        |for rank 29.  Ranks are found for 40,000 such random matrices|
        |and a chisquare test is performed on counts for ranks  32,31,|
        |30 and <=29.                                                 |
                Rank test for binary matrices (32x32) from ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=29        199             211.4           0.729           0.729
        r=30    5129            5134.0          0.005           0.734
        r=31    23237           23103.0         0.777           1.511
        r=32    11435           11551.5         1.175           2.686

                chi-square = 2.686 with df = 3;  p-value = 0.443

        |This is the BINARY RANK TEST for 6x8 matrices.  From each of |
        |six random 32-bit integers from the generator under test, a  |
        |specified byte is chosen, and the resulting six bytes form a |
        |6x8 binary matrix whose rank is determined.  That rank can be|
        |from 0 to 6, but ranks 0,1,2,3 are rare; their counts are    |
        |pooled with those for rank 4. Ranks are found for 100,000    |
        |random matrices, and a chi-square test is performed on       |
        |counts for ranks 6,5 and (0,...,4) (pooled together).        |

                Rank test for binary matrices (6x8) from ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat

                              bits  1 to  8

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 851             944.3           9.218           9.218
        r=5     21665           21743.9         0.286           9.505
        r=6     77484           77311.8         0.384           9.888

                chi-square = 9.888 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.007

                              bits  2 to  9

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 876             944.3           4.940           4.940
        r=5     21828           21743.9         0.325           5.265
        r=6     77296           77311.8         0.003           5.269

                chi-square = 5.269 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.072

                              bits  3 to 10

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 927             944.3           0.317           0.317
        r=5     21750           21743.9         0.002           0.319
        r=6     77323           77311.8         0.002           0.320

                chi-square = 0.320 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.852

                              bits  4 to 11

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 922             944.3           0.527           0.527
        r=5     21703           21743.9         0.077           0.604
        r=6     77375           77311.8         0.052           0.655

                chi-square = 0.655 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.721

                              bits  5 to 12

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 990             944.3           2.212           2.212
        r=5     21667           21743.9         0.272           2.484
        r=6     77343           77311.8         0.013           2.496

                chi-square = 2.496 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.287

                              bits  6 to 13

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 953             944.3           0.080           0.080
        r=5     21843           21743.9         0.452           0.532
        r=6     77204           77311.8         0.150           0.682

                chi-square = 0.682 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.711

                              bits  7 to 14

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 958             944.3           0.199           0.199
        r=5     21535           21743.9         2.007           2.206
        r=6     77507           77311.8         0.493           2.699

                chi-square = 2.699 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.259

                              bits  8 to 15

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 931             944.3           0.187           0.187
        r=5     21409           21743.9         5.158           5.345
        r=6     77660           77311.8         1.568           6.914

                chi-square = 6.914 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.032

                              bits  9 to 16

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 937             944.3           0.056           0.056
        r=5     21562           21743.9         1.522           1.578
        r=6     77501           77311.8         0.463           2.041

                chi-square = 2.041 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.360

                              bits 10 to 17

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 915             944.3           0.909           0.909
        r=5     21675           21743.9         0.218           1.127
        r=6     77410           77311.8         0.125           1.252

                chi-square = 1.252 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.535

                              bits 11 to 18

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 927             944.3           0.317           0.317
        r=5     21679           21743.9         0.194           0.511
        r=6     77394           77311.8         0.087           0.598

                chi-square = 0.598 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.742

                              bits 12 to 19

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 971             944.3           0.755           0.755
        r=5     21769           21743.9         0.029           0.784
        r=6     77260           77311.8         0.035           0.819

                chi-square = 0.819 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.664

                              bits 13 to 20

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 957             944.3           0.171           0.171
        r=5     21744           21743.9         0.000           0.171
        r=6     77299           77311.8         0.002           0.173

                chi-square = 0.173 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.917

                              bits 14 to 21

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 1003            944.3           3.649           3.649
        r=5     21564           21743.9         1.488           5.137
        r=6     77433           77311.8         0.190           5.327

                chi-square = 5.327 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.070

                              bits 15 to 22

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 937             944.3           0.056           0.056
        r=5     21672           21743.9         0.238           0.294
        r=6     77391           77311.8         0.081           0.375

                chi-square = 0.375 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.829

                              bits 16 to 23

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 960             944.3           0.261           0.261
        r=5     21771           21743.9         0.034           0.295
        r=6     77269           77311.8         0.024           0.318

                chi-square = 0.318 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.853

                              bits 17 to 24

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 907             944.3           1.473           1.473
        r=5     21894           21743.9         1.036           2.510
        r=6     77199           77311.8         0.165           2.674

                chi-square = 2.674 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.263

                              bits 18 to 25

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 891             944.3           3.008           3.008
        r=5     21865           21743.9         0.674           3.683
        r=6     77244           77311.8         0.059           3.742

                chi-square = 3.742 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.154

                              bits 19 to 26

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 927             944.3           0.317           0.317
        r=5     21798           21743.9         0.135           0.452
        r=6     77275           77311.8         0.018           0.469

                chi-square = 0.469 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.791

                              bits 20 to 27

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 960             944.3           0.261           0.261
        r=5     21727           21743.9         0.013           0.274
        r=6     77313           77311.8         0.000           0.274

                chi-square = 0.274 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.872

                              bits 21 to 28

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 899             944.3           2.173           2.173
        r=5     21729           21743.9         0.010           2.183
        r=6     77372           77311.8         0.047           2.230

                chi-square = 2.230 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.328

                              bits 22 to 29

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 917             944.3           0.789           0.789
        r=5     21808           21743.9         0.189           0.978
        r=6     77275           77311.8         0.018           0.996

                chi-square = 0.996 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.608

                              bits 23 to 30

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 870             944.3           5.846           5.846
        r=5     21730           21743.9         0.009           5.855
        r=6     77400           77311.8         0.101           5.956

                chi-square = 5.956 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.051

                              bits 24 to 31

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 981             944.3           1.426           1.426
        r=5     21712           21743.9         0.047           1.473
        r=6     77307           77311.8         0.000           1.473

                chi-square = 1.473 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.479

                              bits 25 to 32

        RANK    OBSERVED        EXPECTED        (O-E)^2/E       SUM

        r<=4 952             944.3           0.063           0.063
        r=5     21693           21743.9         0.119           0.182
        r=6     77355           77311.8         0.024           0.206

                chi-square = 0.206 with df = 2;  p-value = 0.902
            TEST SUMMARY, 25 tests on 100,000 random 6x8 matrices
            These should be 25 uniform [0,1] random variates:

        0.007125        0.071771        0.852026        0.720644        0.287044
        0.711015        0.259425        0.031529        0.360388        0.534677
        0.741541        0.664108        0.917171        0.069691        0.828897
        0.852784        0.262621        0.153941        0.790941        0.871890
        0.327879        0.607826        0.050904        0.478683        0.902092
                The KS test for those 25 supposed UNI's yields
                        KS p-value = 0.613828

        |                  THE BITSTREAM TEST                         |
        |The file under test is viewed as a stream of bits. Call them |
        |b1,b2,... .  Consider an alphabet with two "letters", 0 and 1|
        |and think of the stream of bits as a succession of 20-letter |
        |"words", overlapping.  Thus the first word is b1b2...b20, the|
        |second is b2b3...b21, and so on.  The bitstream test counts  |
        |the number of missing 20-letter (20-bit) words in a string of|
        |2^21 overlapping 20-letter words.  There are 2^20 possible 20|
        |letter words.  For a truly random string of 2^21+19 bits, the|
        |number of missing words j should be (very close to) normally |
        |distributed with mean 141,909 and sigma 428.  Thus           |
        | (j-141909)/428 should be a standard normal variate (z score)|
        |that leads to a uniform [0,1) p value.  The test is repeated |
        |twenty times.                                                |

                THE OVERLAPPING 20-TUPLES BITSTREAM  TEST for ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat
         (20 bits/word, 2097152 words 20 bitstreams. No. missing words
          should average 141909.33 with sigma=428.00.)
                   BITSTREAM test results for ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat.

        Bitstream       No. missing words       z-score         p-value
           1            142655                   1.74           0.040735
           2            141574                  -0.78           0.783328
           3            141930                   0.05           0.480741
           4            142988                   2.52           0.005863
           5            141824                  -0.20           0.579013
           6            141602                  -0.72           0.763640
           7            140819                  -2.55           0.994575
           8            141909                  -0.00           0.500308
           9            142310                   0.94           0.174599
           10           142222                   0.73           0.232531
           11           141587                  -0.75           0.774307
           12           142571                   1.55           0.061057
           13           142357                   1.05           0.147790
           14           141227                  -1.59           0.944558
           15           142613                   1.64           0.050079
           16           142403                   1.15           0.124366
           17           141939                   0.07           0.472366
           18           141434                  -1.11           0.866626
           19           142002                   0.22           0.414292
           20           142392                   1.13           0.129716

        |        OPSO means Overlapping-Pairs-Sparse-Occupancy        |
        |The OPSO test considers 2-letter words from an alphabet of   |
        |1024 letters.  Each letter is determined by a specified ten  |
        |bits from a 32-bit integer in the sequence to be tested. OPSO|
        |generates  2^21 (overlapping) 2-letter words  (from 2^21+1   |
        |"keystrokes")  and counts the number of missing words---that |
        |is 2-letter words which do not appear in the entire sequence.|
        |That count should be very close to normally distributed with |
        |mean 141,909, sigma 290. Thus (missingwrds-141909)/290 should|
        |be a standard normal variable. The OPSO test takes 32 bits at|
        |a time from the test file and uses a designated set of ten   |
        |consecutive bits. It then restarts the file for the next de- |
        |signated 10 bits, and so on.                                 |
        |------------------------------------------------------------ |

                           OPSO test for file ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat

        Bits used       No. missing words       z-score         p-value
        23 to 32                141923           0.0471         0.481202
        22 to 31                142068           0.5471         0.292142
        21 to 30                141946           0.1264         0.449688
        20 to 29                141587          -1.1115         0.866820
        19 to 28                142251           1.1782         0.119364
        18 to 27                141900          -0.0322         0.512833
        17 to 26                141834          -0.2598         0.602475
        16 to 25                142323           1.4264         0.076869
        15 to 24                141512          -1.3701         0.914673
        14 to 23                141806          -0.3563         0.639196
        13 to 22                142153           0.8402         0.200386
        12 to 21                142083           0.5989         0.274632
        11 to 20                141937           0.0954         0.461993
        10 to 19                141692          -0.7494         0.773196
        9 to 18                 141655          -0.8770         0.809757
        8 to 17                 141759          -0.5184         0.697903
        7 to 16                 142185           0.9506         0.170907
        6 to 15                 141886          -0.0804         0.532060
        5 to 14                 141652          -0.8873         0.812553
        4 to 13                 141329          -2.0011         0.977311
        3 to 12                 141484          -1.4667         0.928765
        2 to 11                 141395          -1.7736         0.961931
        1 to 10                 141994           0.2920         0.385156

        |------------------------------------------------------------ |
        |    OQSO means Overlapping-Quadruples-Sparse-Occupancy       |
        |  The test OQSO is similar, except that it considers 4-letter|
        |words from an alphabet of 32 letters, each letter determined |
        |by a designated string of 5 consecutive bits from the test   |
        |file, elements of which are assumed 32-bit random integers.  |
        |The mean number of missing words in a sequence of 2^21 four- |
        |letter words,  (2^21+3 "keystrokes"), is again 141909, with  |
        |sigma = 295.  The mean is based on theory; sigma comes from  |
        |extensive simulation.                                        |
        |------------------------------------------------------------ |

                           OQSO test for file ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat

        Bits used       No. missing words       z-score         p-value
        28 to 32                142037           0.4328         0.332587
        27 to 31                141937           0.0938         0.462635
        26 to 30                141503          -1.3774         0.915804
        25 to 29                142043           0.4531         0.325232
        24 to 28                141911           0.0057         0.497742
        23 to 27                142038           0.4362         0.331357
        22 to 26                142266           1.2091         0.113322
        21 to 25                142168           0.8768         0.190285
        20 to 24                142170           0.8836         0.188449
        19 to 23                141659          -0.8486         0.801941
        18 to 22                141909          -0.0011         0.500446
        17 to 21                141961           0.1752         0.430480
        16 to 20                142025           0.3921         0.347491
        15 to 19                142410           1.6972         0.044831
        14 to 18                141714          -0.6621         0.746058
        13 to 17                141648          -0.8859         0.812155
        12 to 16                141666          -0.8248         0.795271
        11 to 15                141388          -1.7672         0.961404
        10 to 14                141360          -1.8621         0.968708
        9 to 13                 141773          -0.4621         0.678008
        8 to 12                 142046           0.4633         0.321579
        7 to 11                 142115           0.6972         0.242843
        6 to 10                 141701          -0.7062         0.759969
        5 to 9                  141985           0.2565         0.398779
        4 to 8                  142396           1.6497         0.049499
        3 to 7                  141850          -0.2011         0.579697
        2 to 6                  142271           1.2260         0.110099
        1 to 5                  142229           1.0836         0.139265

        |------------------------------------------------------------ |
        |    The DNA test considers an alphabet of 4 letters: C,G,A,T,|
        |determined by two designated bits in the sequence of random  |
        |integers being tested.  It considers 10-letter words, so that|
        |as in OPSO and OQSO, there are 2^20 possible words, and the  |
        |mean number of missing words from a string of 2^21  (over-   |
        |lapping)  10-letter  words (2^21+9 "keystrokes") is 141909.  |
        |The standard deviation sigma=339 was determined as for OQSO  |
        |by simulation.  (Sigma for OPSO, 290, is the true value (to  |
        |three places), not determined by simulation.                 |
        |------------------------------------------------------------ |

                           DNA test for file ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat

        Bits used       No. missing words       z-score         p-value
        31 to 32                141737          -0.5083         0.694395
        30 to 31                142108           0.5860         0.278922
        29 to 30                142253           1.0138         0.155345
        28 to 29                141943           0.0993         0.460441
        27 to 28                142137           0.6716         0.250921
        26 to 27                141716          -0.5703         0.715761
        25 to 26                141939           0.0875         0.465128
        24 to 25                141786          -0.3638         0.641998
        23 to 24                142411           1.4799         0.069456
        22 to 23                142122           0.6273         0.265216
        21 to 22                141494          -1.2252         0.889743
        20 to 21                141361          -1.6175         0.947114
        19 to 20                141654          -0.7532         0.774331
        18 to 19                141416          -1.4553         0.927200
        17 to 18                141870          -0.1160         0.546181
        16 to 17                141989           0.2350         0.407099
        15 to 16                141348          -1.6558         0.951123
        14 to 15                141921           0.0344         0.486269
        13 to 14                142018           0.3206         0.374272
        12 to 13                141749          -0.4729         0.681875
        11 to 12                141741          -0.4965         0.690246
        10 to 11                142120           0.6214         0.267153
        9 to 10                 142473           1.6627         0.048182
        8 to 9                  141873          -0.1072         0.542672
        7 to 8                  142040           0.3855         0.349949
        6 to 7                  142105           0.5772         0.281903
        5 to 6                  142287           1.1141         0.132624
        4 to 5                  141561          -1.0275         0.847913
        3 to 4                  141821          -0.2606         0.602784
        2 to 3                  141849          -0.1780         0.570625
        1 to 2                  142051           0.4179         0.338008

        |    This is the COUNT-THE-1''s TEST on a stream of bytes.    |
        |Consider the file under test as a stream of bytes (four per  |
        |32 bit integer).  Each byte can contain from 0 to 8 1''s,    |
        |with probabilities 1,8,28,56,70,56,28,8,1 over 256.  Now let |
        |the stream of bytes provide a string of overlapping  5-letter|
        |words, each "letter" taking values A,B,C,D,E. The letters are|
        |determined by the number of 1''s in a byte: 0,1,or 2 yield A,|
        |3 yields B, 4 yields C, 5 yields D and 6,7 or 8 yield E. Thus|
        |we have a monkey at a typewriter hitting five keys with vari-|
        |ous probabilities (37,56,70,56,37 over 256).  There are 5^5  |
        |possible 5-letter words, and from a string of 256,000 (over- |
        |lapping) 5-letter words, counts are made on the frequencies  |
        |for each word.   The quadratic form in the weak inverse of   |
        |the covariance matrix of the cell counts provides a chisquare|
        |test: Q5-Q4, the difference of the naive Pearson sums of     |
        |(OBS-EXP)^2/EXP on counts for 5- and 4-letter cell counts.   |

                Test result for the byte stream from ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat
          (Degrees of freedom: 5^4-5^3=2500; sample size: 2560000)

                        chisquare       z-score         p-value
                        2455.34         -0.632          0.736165

        |    This is the COUNT-THE-1''s TEST for specific bytes.      |
        |Consider the file under test as a stream of 32-bit integers. |
        |From each integer, a specific byte is chosen , say the left- |
        |most: bits 1 to 8. Each byte can contain from 0 to 8 1''s,   |
        |with probabilitie 1,8,28,56,70,56,28,8,1 over 256.  Now let  |
        |the specified bytes from successive integers provide a string|
        |of (overlapping) 5-letter words, each "letter" taking values |
        |A,B,C,D,E. The letters are determined  by the number of 1''s,|
        |in that byte: 0,1,or 2 ---> A, 3 ---> B, 4 ---> C, 5 ---> D, |
        |and  6,7 or 8 ---> E.  Thus we have a monkey at a typewriter |
        |hitting five keys with with various probabilities: 37,56,70, |
        |56,37 over 256. There are 5^5 possible 5-letter words, and   |
        |from a string of 256,000 (overlapping) 5-letter words, counts|
        |are made on the frequencies for each word. The quadratic form|
        |in the weak inverse of the covariance matrix of the cell     |
        |counts provides a chisquare test: Q5-Q4, the difference of   |
        |the naive Pearson  sums of (OBS-EXP)^2/EXP on counts for 5-  |
        |and 4-letter cell  counts.                                   |

                Test results for specific bytes from ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat
          (Degrees of freedom: 5^4-5^3=2500; sample size: 256000)

        bits used       chisquare       z-score         p-value
        1 to 8          2516.72          0.236          0.406559
        2 to 9          2535.88          0.507          0.305920
        3 to 10         2533.92          0.480          0.315718
        4 to 11         2701.94          2.856          0.002146
        5 to 12         2572.94          1.032          0.151148
        6 to 13         2416.50         -1.181          0.881171
        7 to 14         2513.33          0.189          0.425238
        8 to 15         2540.32          0.570          0.284262
        9 to 16         2548.39          0.684          0.246879
        10 to 17        2557.56          0.814          0.207835
        11 to 18        2533.87          0.479          0.315968
        12 to 19        2476.96         -0.326          0.627699
        13 to 20        2625.44          1.774          0.038031
        14 to 21        2499.60         -0.006          0.502267
        15 to 22        2554.00          0.764          0.222529
        16 to 23        2461.60         -0.543          0.706434
        17 to 24        2434.98         -0.920          0.821089
        18 to 25        2420.05         -1.131          0.870889
        19 to 26        2381.78         -1.672          0.952731
        20 to 27        2421.64         -1.108          0.866115
        21 to 28        2522.10          0.313          0.377308
        22 to 29        2613.88          1.611          0.053638
        23 to 30        2497.12         -0.041          0.516251
        24 to 31        2507.88          0.111          0.455644
        25 to 32        2484.32         -0.222          0.587723
        |              THIS IS A PARKING LOT TEST                     |
        |In a square of side 100, randomly "park" a car---a circle of |
        |radius 1.   Then try to park a 2nd, a 3rd, and so on, each   |
        |time parking "by ear".  That is, if an attempt to park a car |
        |causes a crash with one already parked, try again at a new   |
        |random location. (To avoid path problems, consider parking   |
        |helicopters rather than cars.)   Each attempt leads to either|
        |a crash or a success, the latter followed by an increment to |
        |the list of cars already parked. If we plot n: the number of |
        |attempts, versus k: the number successfully parked, we get a |
        |curve that should be similar to those provided by a perfect  |
        |random number generator.  Theory for the behavior of such a  |
        |random curve seems beyond reach, and as graphics displays are|
        |not available for this battery of tests, a simple characteriz|
        |ation of the random experiment is used: k, the number of cars|
        |successfully parked after n=12,000 attempts. Simulation shows|
        |that k should average 3523 with sigma 21.9 and is very close |
        |to normally distributed.  Thus (k-3523)/21.9 should be a st- |
        |andard normal variable, which, converted to a uniform varia- |
        |ble, provides input to a KSTEST based on a sample of 10.     |

                CDPARK: result of 10 tests on file ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat
          (Of 12000 tries, the average no. of successes should be
           3523.0 with sigma=21.9)

           No. succeses         z-score         p-value
                3514            -0.4110         0.659449
                3526             0.1370         0.445521
                3538             0.6849         0.246694
                3503            -0.9132         0.819442
                3536             0.5936         0.276387
                3490            -1.5068         0.934075
                3509            -0.6393         0.738676
                3527             0.1826         0.427537
                3565             1.9178         0.027568
                3543             0.9132         0.180558
          Square side=100, avg. no. parked=3525.10 sample std.=20.75
             p-value of the KSTEST for those 10 p-values: 1.000000

        |              THE MINIMUM DISTANCE TEST                      |
        |It does this 100 times:  choose n=8000 random points in a    |
        |square of side 10000.  Find d, the minimum distance between  |
        |the (n^2-n)/2 pairs of points.  If the points are truly inde-|
        |pendent uniform, then d^2, the square of the minimum distance|
        |should be (very close to) exponentially distributed with mean|
        |.995 .  Thus 1-exp(-d^2/.995) should be uniform on [0,1) and |
        |a KSTEST on the resulting 100 values serves as a test of uni-|
        |formity for random points in the square. Test numbers=0 mod 5|
        |are printed but the KSTEST is based on the full set of 100   |
        |random choices of 8000 points in the 10000x10000 square.     |

                This is the MINIMUM DISTANCE test for file ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat

        Sample no.       d^2             mean           equiv uni
           5            0.8382          0.7229          0.569323
           10           0.1134          0.5972          0.107731
           15           0.1682          0.5648          0.155528
           20           0.4103          0.7428          0.337937
           25           0.2766          0.7865          0.242664
           30           0.4146          0.8082          0.340795
           35           1.1169          0.8560          0.674531
           40           2.5136          0.8642          0.920043
           45           5.8444          0.9585          0.997188
           50           0.1718          1.0642          0.158565
           55           0.7041          1.0677          0.507202
           60           0.8090          1.0447          0.556493
           65           1.5655          1.0754          0.792664
           70           0.1773          1.0495          0.163256
           75           0.5912          1.0249          0.447968
           80           0.2378          1.0036          0.212573
           85           0.0188          1.0016          0.018765
           90           1.1563          0.9884          0.687175
           95           4.4738          0.9979          0.988850
           100          0.8557          1.0258          0.576822
        Result of KS test on 100 transformed mindist^2's: p-value=0.982511

        |             THE 3DSPHERES TEST                              |
        |Choose  4000 random points in a cube of edge 1000.  At each  |
        |point, center a sphere large enough to reach the next closest|
        |point. Then the volume of the smallest such sphere is (very  |
        |close to) exponentially distributed with mean 120pi/3.  Thus |
        |the radius cubed is exponential with mean 30. (The mean is   |
        |obtained by extensive simulation).  The 3DSPHERES test gener-|
        |ates 4000 such spheres 20 times.  Each min radius cubed leads|
        |to a uniform variable by means of 1-exp(-r^3/30.), then a    |
        | KSTEST is done on the 20 p-values.                          |

                    The 3DSPHERES test for file ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat

                sample no       r^3             equiv. uni.
                   1            61.663          0.871962
                   2            27.417          0.599037
                   3            25.799          0.576821
                   4            78.359          0.926609
                   5            4.653           0.143667
                   6            98.950          0.963055
                   7            11.933          0.328171
                   8            24.072          0.551743
                   9            51.971          0.823137
                   10           13.204          0.356049
                   11           12.261          0.335496
                   12           6.585           0.197069
                   13           2.023           0.065201
                   14           20.853          0.500979
                   15           28.613          0.614718
                   16           24.303          0.555193
                   17           10.829          0.302995
                   18           32.518          0.661734
                   19           142.132         0.991241
                   20           1.623           0.052664
                p-value for KS test on those 20 p-values: 0.921166

        |                 This is the SQUEEZE test                    |
        | Random integers are floated to get uniforms on [0,1). Start-|
        | ing with k=2^31=2147483647, the test finds j, the number of |
        | iterations necessary to reduce k to 1, using the reduction  |
        | k=ceiling(k*U), with U provided by floating integers from   |
        | the file being tested.  Such j''s are found 100,000 times,  |
        | then counts for the number of times j was <=6,7,...,47,>=48 |
        | are used to provide a chi-square test for cell frequencies. |

                        RESULTS OF SQUEEZE TEST FOR ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat

                    Table of standardized frequency counts
                (obs-exp)^2/exp  for j=(1,..,6), 7,...,47,(48,...)
                 0.6     0.1     1.1    -0.5    -0.9     2.0
                -1.3     0.6     0.8     0.5     2.2     0.3
                 1.2    -0.2    -1.8    -1.2     1.7     0.3
                 0.8    -1.1    -0.6    -0.6     2.0    -2.3
                -0.6     0.3    -0.5    -0.0    -0.3    -1.4
                -0.8     0.9    -0.5     0.8     0.8     0.6
                -1.4    -1.7     1.3     0.4     0.1     0.0
                Chi-square with 42 degrees of freedom:51.069196
                z-score=0.989530, p-value=0.159208

        |            The  OVERLAPPING SUMS test                       |
        |Integers are floated to get a sequence U(1),U(2),... of uni- |
        |form [0,1) variables.  Then overlapping sums,                |
        |  S(1)=U(1)+...+U(100), S2=U(2)+...+U(101),... are formed.   |
        |The S''s are virtually normal with a certain covariance mat- |
        |rix.  A linear transformation of the S''s converts them to a |
        |sequence of independent standard normals, which are converted|
        |to uniform variables for a KSTEST.                           |

                        Results of the OSUM test for ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat

                        Test no                 p-value
                          1                     0.967041
                          2                     0.235812
                          3                     0.073502
                          4                     0.448751
                          5                     0.349435
                          6                     0.603653
                          7                     0.096515
                          8                     0.313113
                          9                     0.291257
                          10                    0.103890

                p-value for 10 kstests on 100 kstests:0.126408

        |    This is the RUNS test.  It counts runs up, and runs down,|
        |in a sequence of uniform [0,1) variables, obtained by float- |
        |ing the 32-bit integers in the specified file. This example  |
        |shows how runs are counted: .123,.357,.789,.425,.224,.416,.95|
        |contains an up-run of length 3, a down-run of length 2 and an|
        |up-run of (at least) 2, depending on the next values.  The   |
        |covariance matrices for the runs-up and runs-down are well   |
        |known, leading to chisquare tests for quadratic forms in the |
        |weak inverses of the covariance matrices.  Runs are counted  |
        |for sequences of length 10,000.  This is done ten times. Then|
        |another three sets of ten.                                   |

                        The RUNS test for file ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat
                (Up and down runs in a sequence of 10000 numbers)
                                Set 1
                 runs up; ks test for 10 p's: 0.729472
                 runs down; ks test for 10 p's: 0.504524
                                Set 2
                 runs up; ks test for 10 p's: 0.513458
                 runs down; ks test for 10 p's: 0.591819

        |This the CRAPS TEST.  It plays 200,000 games of craps, counts|
        |the number of wins and the number of throws necessary to end |
        |each game.  The number of wins should be (very close to) a   |
        |normal with mean 200000p and variance 200000p(1-p), and      |
        |p=244/495.  Throws necessary to complete the game can vary   |
        |from 1 to infinity, but counts for all>21 are lumped with 21.|
        |A chi-square test is made on the no.-of-throws cell counts.  |
        |Each 32-bit integer from the test file provides the value for|
        |the throw of a die, by floating to [0,1), multiplying by 6   |
        |and taking 1 plus the integer part of the result.            |

                RESULTS OF CRAPS TEST FOR ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat
        No. of wins:  Observed  Expected
                         98276        98585.858586
                z-score=-1.386, pvalue=0.91711

        Analysis of Throws-per-Game:

        Throws  Observed        Expected        Chisq    Sum of (O-E)^2/E
        1       66425           66666.7         0.876           0.876
        2       37400           37654.3         1.718           2.594
        3       27254           26954.7         3.323           5.916
        4       19072           19313.5         3.019           8.935
        5       14023           13851.4         2.125           11.061
        6       10077           9943.5          1.791           12.852
        7       7199            7145.0          0.408           13.260
        8       5160            5139.1          0.085           13.345
        9       3692            3699.9          0.017           13.361
        10      2740            2666.3          2.037           15.399
        11      1934            1923.3          0.059           15.458
        12      1385            1388.7          0.010           15.468
        13      1016            1003.7          0.150           15.618
        14      741             726.1           0.304           15.922
        15      511             525.8           0.419           16.341
        16      365             381.2           0.684           17.025
        17      270             276.5           0.155           17.180
        18      192             200.8           0.388           17.568
        19      153             146.0           0.337           17.905
        20      102             106.2           0.167           18.073
        21      289             287.1           0.012           18.085

        Chisq=  18.09 for 20 degrees of freedom, p= 0.58180

                SUMMARY of craptest on ../FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo_Diehard.dat
         p-value for no. of wins: 0.917106
         p-value for throws/game: 0.581801

Tests with the NIST Statistical Test Suite (SP 800-22rev1a)

The following results were produced by testing a sequence of 16,779,776 bytes from the HotBits generator with version 2.1.2 of the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology Statistical Test Suite for Random and Pseudorandom Number Generators for Cryptographic Applications as described in NIST Special Publication 800-22rev1a [PDF]. This test suite is supplied as C source code, which I built with GCC 5.4.0 on a Linux x86_64 machine.

The data set used in the following tests is identical in the first 11,468,800 bytes to that used in the ENT and Diehard tests above. This is the complete data set I generated for testing; due to the sensitivity of the Diehard tests to the data set size, I limited the data I tested to be the same as that used in the Diehard examples and tested that data set with ENT. The NIST tests seem to have no problems with large data sets, so I used the complete data set in these tests. Here is the command and parameters I used to run the test.

$ ./assess 1048576
           G E N E R A T O R    S E L E C T I O N

    [0] Input File                 [1] Linear Congruential
    [2] Quadratic Congruential I   [3] Quadratic Congruential II
    [4] Cubic Congruential         [5] XOR
    [6] Modular Exponentiation     [7] Blum-Blum-Shub
    [8] Micali-Schnorr             [9] G Using SHA-1

   Enter Choice: 0

                User Prescribed Input File: FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo.dat

                S T A T I S T I C A L   T E S T S

    [01] Frequency                       [02] Block Frequency
    [03] Cumulative Sums                 [04] Runs
    [05] Longest Run of Ones             [06] Rank
    [07] Discrete Fourier Transform      [08] Nonperiodic Template Matchings
    [09] Overlapping Template Matchings  [10] Universal Statistical
    [11] Approximate Entropy             [12] Random Excursions
    [13] Random Excursions Variant       [14] Serial
    [15] Linear Complexity

            Enter 0 if you DO NOT want to apply all of the
            statistical tests to each sequence and 1 if you DO.

   Enter Choice: 1

        P a r a m e t e r   A d j u s t m e n t s
    [1] Block Frequency Test - block length(M):         128
    [2] NonOverlapping Template Test - block length(m): 9
    [3] Overlapping Template Test - block length(m):    9
    [4] Approximate Entropy Test - block length(m):     10
    [5] Serial Test - block length(m):                  16
    [6] Linear Complexity Test - block length(M):       500

   Select Test (0 to continue): 0

   How many bitstreams? 128

   Input File Format:
    [0] ASCII - A sequence of ASCII 0's and 1's
    [1] Binary - Each byte in data file contains 8 bits of data

   Select input mode:  1

     Statistical Testing In Progress.........

     Statistical Testing Complete!!!!!!!!!!!!

I enabled all tests and used the parameters from the examples in the paper documenting the tests. Unless you really understand what you're doing, have studied the math underlying the test, and have read the code that implements it, it's a bad idea to get too creative changing these parameters.

After all the tests have completed, a summary report is written, which is reproduced below. The key values to look at for each test are the “P-value”: the probability the results obtained were due to chance, and the “Proportion” of sequences generated which were deemed to pass the test. Extremal P-values (very close to zero or one), and Proportions below those indicated in the comment at the end of the table are indicative of potential problems.

   generator is <FourmilabHotBits_Pseudo.dat>
 11  17  13  10  15  16  11  11  10  14  0.788728    126/128     Frequency
  9  16   7   8   8  16  12  14  18  20  0.051391    128/128     BlockFrequency
 13  15  15  18   9  10   8  16  12  12  0.500934    126/128     CumulativeSums
 14  10  17  11  14  16  13  11  11  11  0.848588    123/128     CumulativeSums
 19  12  14  16  10  12  15  10   8  12  0.484646    125/128     Runs
 10   7   8  11  15  16  12  20   8  21  0.022503    128/128     LongestRun
 14  10   8  16  12  10  15   6  17  20  0.095617    127/128     Rank
 10  10  21  16  14  11  10  14  11  11  0.350485    127/128     FFT
 13  12  12  13  16  11   9  13  16  13  0.922036    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 13   7  12  19  10  16  10  13  15  13  0.422034    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  9  12  14  15  12  10  10   8  16  22  0.141256    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15   9  14  14  16   4  17  18   7  14  0.060239    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  8  11  15  18  11  17  15  12  14   7  0.311542    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 13  15  16   9  14  14  10  11  13  13  0.900104    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 17  11   9  10  10  16  15  14  16  10  0.568055    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15   9  16  13  11  13  16  13  13   9  0.804337    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14   9  12  13  10   9  18  19  13  11  0.392456    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15  11  13  14   9  13  13  18  10  12  0.788728    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  10  15  13  18  10  14  13  10  13  0.804337    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  13   9  13  15  10   9  13  15  17  0.739918    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 18  12  13  18   9   9  14  11  15   9  0.392456    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  8  14   6  19  11  14  17  10  13  16  0.162606    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15  13  12  11  17  12  12   9  12  15  0.875539    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15  13  11  10  11  16  18  12  10  12  0.739918    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  7  15  15  14  15  15  21   9   6  11  0.066882    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  14  17  10   9  12  18  12  12  12  0.689019    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 11  16  13  12   5  16  13  14  11  17  0.392456    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  10  20  15  20   4  20  12   9   6  0.001919    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  12  16  10  19  11  12  17  10   9  0.437274    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14   9  12   7  20  14   9  13  13  17  0.222869    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  10   7  20  12  12  12  12  17  14  0.337162    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  10  16  13  18  15  15   8  12   7  0.350485    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 19  11   8   9  12  17  13  14  10  15  0.364146    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 10  22  18   8  13  12   8  12  10  15  0.078086    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 13  14   7  11  13  13  16  14  12  15  0.819544    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 13  17  15  11  14  10   8  11  16  13  0.689019    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  8  10  14  13  20  15  18  11  10   9  0.195163    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  9  18  11   7  14  12  17  14  13  13  0.452799    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  10   9   9  15  18  13  12  10  18  0.407091    124/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  20  10   5  14   9  15  13  13  13  0.155209    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15  11  13  10  13  13  15  13  13  12  0.985035    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  8   9  12  13  14  17  18  12  17   8  0.275709    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 13   7  16  16   6  11  18  18  13  10  0.110952    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  12  13  13  14  10  13  12  12  17  0.964295    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  16  11  10  10  13  15   8  18  13  0.568055    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  12  10  14  13  14  15  16   8  12  0.848588    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  14  13  10   7  10  11  25  16  10  0.025193    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  9   9  13  18  12  11  19  18   5  14  0.063482    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15  17  12  13  14  10  13  14  11   9  0.848588    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14   7  15   5  12  11  16  16  14  18  0.148094    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 10  14   7  13  12  14  18  13  15  12  0.637119    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 10  15  14  14  19   7  17  14  10   8  0.213309    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 10  19   7  13  14  22   8   6  14  15  0.014216    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  12   5  16  20  10  12  16  11  12  0.170294    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  12  13  15  10  18  13  10  17   8  0.534146    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 18  14  11  15  12  10  15  12  11  10  0.772760    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15   8  14  11   8   8  15  19  16  14  0.232760    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 13  15  13  17  14   7  13  15  11  10  0.671779    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  8  11  17   9  14  12  11  17  12  17  0.452799    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  13  13  16  11  12  11  11  18   9  0.756476    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  13   6   8  15  12  17  14  10  17  0.253551    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  15  10  15  12  14  10   9  14  13  0.834308    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  8  16  21  15  19  10  13   7   8  11  0.033288    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  15  15   9  14  11  12  12  10  14  0.862344    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16   9  20   9  16  14  16  11  10   7  0.134686    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  8  13  12  15   9   8  15  14  25   9  0.016911    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 10  13  10  17  13   9  12  13  14  17  0.723129    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  14  12  19  15   7  15   7  14  13  0.311542    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 18  11  20  14  10  12   8  14   7  14  0.155209    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 11  10  10  19  12  14  13  12  14  13  0.772760    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 17  11   9  14  12  15   9  13  20   8  0.242986    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 18   9  10  11  12  17  10  14  12  15  0.568055    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 17   7  17  14   5  18  12  14  12  12  0.122325    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  14   5  13  15  20  10  11  14  14  0.232760    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 11  13  14  13   8  12  14  18  17   8  0.468595    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 17  12  12  16  14   6  11  14  17   9  0.350485    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  17  11  14  10  10  18  12   9  13  0.602458    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 18  10  16  13  14  10  13  15   9  10  0.602458    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  13  14  13  13  12  10   8  18  11  0.671779    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  14  12  14  16  16   7  10  17  10  0.517442    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 13  15  13  19  14   3  12  18   8  13  0.057146    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  14  11  13  13   9  13  14  12  13  0.957319    124/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 13  12  12  13  16  11   9  13  16  13  0.922036    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  8  10  14  16  16   6  14  14  17  13  0.311542    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 19   9  18  10  10   8  12  12  17  13  0.213309    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 11  10  16  17  12   7  13  18  15   9  0.311542    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  12  14  15  12  14  11  12  10  12  0.957319    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  14  13  11  12  14   3  15  18  12  0.178278    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 18  10  16   7  19   7  14  12  12  13  0.148094    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  14  10  11   9  13  17  13  11  14  0.788728    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15  15  12  11  13  12  12   9  14  15  0.941144    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  13  16   9  11  10  13  15  14  11  0.819544    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 13  12  11  15   8  20  16   8  11  14  0.299251    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 20  12  10   8  14  10  16  18  10  10  0.178278    124/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15  15   9  19  12  15   7  15   8  13  0.253551    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 10  17  10  20  16  12  11  13   9  10  0.299251    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  15  12   9  17  10   9  20  15   9  0.242986    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 10   8  20  10  17  16  19   9   8  11  0.048716    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 13  13   3  16  13  11  16  16  15  12  0.222869    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  7  13  12  12  16   7  21  13   9  18  0.063482    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  9   9  12  15  17  17  12   7  15  15  0.350485    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 11   8  14  11  18  12  12  15  10  17  0.534146    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 10  10  11  16  15  10  16  11  11  18  0.568055    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 10  20  15  12   8   9   8  14  21  11  0.048716    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  4   8  12  13  20  11  15  16  12  17  0.060239    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 19   8  16  12  11  13  15   9  10  15  0.392456    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  15  19   9  13   8   6  15  14  13  0.186566    124/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 13   6  12  14  10  10  19  18  11  15  0.213309    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  9  14  11  13  11  12  13  18  12  15  0.819544    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 11   9   8  15  16  15  16  16  10  12  0.534146    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 13  12  14  11  19  16  11  11  11  10  0.689019    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  11  13  17  11  12   8  16  13  11  0.689019    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 13  15  13  12   9  12  17  13  14  10  0.875539    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 10   9  15  14  13  13  10  12  13  19  0.654467    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 18  11  14  10  13  11  10  18  12  11  0.602458    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14   7   8  12  14  16  15  11  17  14  0.468595    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 20  13   9  15  11  19  11   9  13   8  0.148094    124/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 11  12  15  16  11  15   9  12  18   9  0.585209    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
  6  15  10  20   7  16   9  16  16  13  0.060239    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 17  10  13  15  12  17  10  13   9  12  0.689019    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15  12  12  11  13  13  10  13  17  12  0.941144    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 13  12  11  15  12  11  11  13  18  12  0.900104    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15  14  11   8  10  11  12  14  16  17  0.671779    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 10  19  12  16  15   9   8  10  17  12  0.275709    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  16  14   9  12  25   8   9  12  11  0.028181    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  15  16  15  10  16   7  12  11  14  0.637119    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12   9  12  13  11  16  14  15  13  13  0.941144    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15  12  10  13  12  18  16   8  11  13  0.637119    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15   8  13  15   8  11  19  13  16  10  0.337162    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 11  13  12  11  10  15   9  12  22  13  0.311542    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 10  10  11  14  15  10  16  14  15  13  0.862344    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  13  14   8  13  19   9  14  15   9  0.452799    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  16  10   9  13  14  12  17  10  13  0.772760    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  12   9  15  12  17  14  10  12  15  0.834308    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 20  11  16  14  12  14  11  11   6  13  0.299251    123/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 20  10  15  11  11  13  15  10  12  11  0.551026    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  13  12  12  11  15  16   7  13  15  0.788728    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 11  13  17  10   6  14  14  15  11  17  0.422034    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 11   9  11   9  16  13  14  16  14  15  0.756476    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 11  15  17  16  10   9  14  12  12  12  0.772760    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  21  10  15   8  17   8  10  11  12  0.110952    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 11  12  15  16  14  11  16  13  10  10  0.862344    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  11   6  11  14  17  14  19  11  11  0.311542    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 11  15  11  14  20   9   9  11  15  13  0.437274    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 12  12  14  13   9  16  22   9  11  10  0.213309    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  14  10  11  20   9  13  10  10  17  0.350485    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  10  11  12  12  11  13  15  18  12  0.862344    127/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 14  15  13  10  10   9  20  12  10  15  0.437274    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 15  11   6  17  14  14  11   8  15  17  0.287306    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 18  15  10   5  10  12  17  12  16  13  0.213309    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  15  17  12  14  13  10  10   7  14  0.568055    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 10  10  17  11  11  10  16  14  16  13  0.706149    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  15  16  14   5  12  13  11   9  17  0.287306    126/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 17  14  13  10  19   8  12  12  11  12  0.500934    128/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 18   8  12   9  13  18  11  14  16   9  0.299251    125/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 16  14  11  14  12  10  12  14  12  13  0.970538    124/128     NonOverlappingTemplate
 11   9  15  12  16  11  12  13  17  12  0.819544    128/128     OverlappingTemplate
 12  16  11  13  18  16  10  13  12   7  0.500934    126/128     Universal
  8  14  13  12   7  18  14  13  12  17  0.407091    125/128     ApproximateEntropy
 11   6   6   9   8   5   7   3  11  10  0.374107     75/76      RandomExcursions
  3   8   8   8  10   9   7  10   8   5  0.681642     76/76      RandomExcursions
 12  11   2   5  10   6   6   7   7  10  0.169178     75/76      RandomExcursions
  7   6  11  11   9   9   5   9   8   1  0.197677     76/76      RandomExcursions
  7   8   6  10  11   8   6   8   5   7  0.846579     76/76      RandomExcursions
 10   7   7  10   8   9   9   9   4   3  0.534146     72/76      RandomExcursions
  8   4  13  10   4   6   8   5   9   9  0.266044     75/76      RandomExcursions
 11   6   7   9   9   9   7   6   4   8  0.768138     75/76      RandomExcursions
  6   9  10  10  10   4   8   3  11   5  0.266044     74/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  6   9  10   9   8  10   3   8   2  11  0.197677     75/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  7  10   8   7   8   9   8   3   7   9  0.821681     75/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  7  11   5   7  12   8   6   6   7   7  0.651990     75/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  8   6   4  14   6  11   6  13   4   4  0.026435     75/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  7   5  11   6   8  11   9   3   9   7  0.450564     76/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  5   9   5  11   7   7   8  11   7   6  0.681642     75/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  4   6  10   6   8  12   5   5  13   7  0.169178     75/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  5   7   4  11   8   9   8  10   5   9  0.592591     75/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  6  11   6   5  10   9   6   7   6  10  0.681642     75/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
 12   8   7  10   4   6   6   7   7   9  0.622249     75/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
 11   6  15   5  11   6   6   6   6   4  0.061150     76/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  8  10   9  11   3   4  13   4   5   9  0.079817     76/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  4  14   6  10   5   9   4  10   4  10  0.066882     76/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  6  10   9   8   7   5   8   6   9   8  0.929192     76/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  7  12   3   6   7  10   7  11  10   3  0.156248     76/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  8   9   5   6   6  14   6  12   6   4  0.132858     75/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
  6   6  11   9   9   4  10   6   2  13  0.087086     75/76      RandomExcursionsVariant
 13  10  20  13  13  13  17  10  10   9  0.392456    126/128     Serial
 14  12  13  12  21   8  14   7   9  18  0.100508    126/128     Serial
 14  16  17  12  10  13  15  17  10   4  0.178278    126/128     LinearComplexity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The minimum pass rate for each statistical test with the exception of the
random excursion (variant) test is approximately = 123 for a
sample size = 128 binary sequences.

The minimum pass rate for the random excursion (variant) test
is approximately = 72 for a sample size = 76 binary sequences.

For further guidelines construct a probability table using the MAPLE program
provided in the addendum section of the documentation.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In addition to the test summary, detailed results from the various tests are written to a number of data files. You can download a ZIPped archive containing all of these results, and the HotBits pseudorandom data stream which was tested to produce them from the links below.

The HotBits Pseudorandom Generator

Statistical Testing of Radioactively-Generated Data

HotBits Main Page

How HotBits Works

HotBits Hardware Description

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by John Walker
June, 2017