
Visits to this page: Page Visit Counter

Note: PageVisits is a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) program written in the Perl language. It requires image processing utilities from the Netpbm image processing toolkit. Installing a CGI program requires detailed knowledge of the Web server configuration of the system on which it is to be installed, and may require administrative (super-user) privilege to install. Programs and data directories must be installed with the correct ownership attributes and permissions, and program and library paths may need to be set to permit the CGI program to find the utilities it requires. Since Web server configurations differ widely from system to system, there's no cookbook approach to installing a program such as this--you need to understand what you're doing, and know how to track down and fix problems based on error messages in the HTTP server error log.

It's not an exaggeration to say that most system administrators who can install a program such as this without some difficulty and a few false starts could probably write such a program themselves if they wanted to. The whole point of this program is that they don't have to! This program can serve as a point of departure for those who wish to extend it into something much fancier. It is almost impossible to troubleshoot CGI programs remotely, and even if it were possible, I don't have the time to do so. Consequently, while you're free to use this program in any way you wish without any restrictions, you're entirely on your own--it is utterly unsupported.

Downloading and Installation

To install PageVisits on your Web server, perform the following steps.

  1. Download the PageVisits distribution archive:
  2. Uncompress and extract the archive into a new empty directory.
  3. Determine where the following directories are located on your Web server. In the Example column, I give the directory used by the system-wide Apache Web server installed with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3. These directories vary from system to system; it is essential you determine the correct locations for your installation! If you're installing PageVisits as an individual user on a multi-user server, the directories will usually be within your own home directory tree--consult your grumpy, overworked system administrator for information and admonishment. I've provided blank items in the following table to write in the directory paths for your system.

    Directory Variable Example Location on your system
    CGI binaries $CGI_Directory /var/www/cgi-bin                    
    Netpbm utilities $NETPBM_Directory /usr/bin                    
    Perl interpreter #! /usr/bin/perl                    
  4. Edit the program, locate the "Directory Configuration" section at the top, and replace the values assigned to each of the variables in the Variable column of the table above with the correct value for your system. The last row in the table specifies the location of the Perl interpreter on your system; on Unix-like systems you can determine this with the shell command "which perl". This location should be entered on the first line of, following the "#! " characters.
  5. Save the modified file and test it with the command:
    ./ test
    If you get a "bad interpreter" or "not executable" error, the location of Perl in the first line of the program is probably incorrect or the process of editing the program has caused it to lose execute permission (or Perl is missing or improperly installed on your system). If you get one or more missing directory or file messages, correct the directory configuration accordingly until you get the message "PageVisits configuration test passed.".
  6. Copy the into your CGI binaries directory; this is the directory you specified as $CGI_Directory. Make sure the program has execute permission for all users (on Unix-like systems, you can use the command "chmod 755" set global execute permission).
  7. Create a subdirectory within your CGI binaries directory to contain the digits for the counters and the files which contain the visits count for each page with a counter. I call this directory PageVisits on my system. Copy all of the digit images from the "digits" directory in the distribution into this directory. (If you only plan to use a limited selection of fonts, feel free to copy only the digits for the fonts you'll be using.) The directory and the digit files within it should be readable by all users.
  8. Create a test counter data file. This file is stored in the directory you just created along with the digit images. This file must be owned and writable by the user ID under which your Web server runs CGI programs. This differs from system to system; you'll need to figure out how your server is configured to set the proper ownership on this file. Note that to change the file ownership, you must be logged in as the super-user (root). One trick you can use to determine the user ID of your HTTP server on Unix systems is to enter the command "ps -ef | grep httpd" which will list the processes belonging to the server, giving the user name. On Red Hat Linux systems, the user and group IDs are both "apache", and you could create the test counter data file as follows, assuming the current directory is the CGI binaries directory and you called the digit subdirectory PageVisits.

        # Create counter file and set count to 0
        echo 0 >PageVisits/test.dat
        chown apache:apache PageVisits/test.dat
  9. Install the test.html file included with the distribution in a temporary location on your Web server and access it with a browser. If everything's installed properly, you should see the counter display as 1 the first time you load the page and increment each time you reload it. If instead you see the text "PageVisits Error", something went wrong. Consult your Web server's error log to identify the source of the error and correct it.
  10. Now you're ready to add counters to Web pages on your site. Remove the PageVisits/test.dat counter file and the test.html test page from your server and follow the instructions below to add counters to your own pages.

Adding Counters to Your Web Pages

Now that your counter is working with the test page, you can add counters to pages on your Web site. For each page you wish to have a counter, create a counter data file in the PageVists directory (or whatever you used as the "dir=" specification in the test HTML file). You can use as many different counter data directories as you wish, but since each must contain the digit images, proliferating data directories wastes space. It's usually best to have a single directory with separate counter data files for each page which maintains a counter. It's generally wise to give the counter data directories names derived from that of the page they're associated with. For example, suppose you wish to add a counter to a page on your site whose URL is:
You might add a file for this page to the PageVists directory named "roquefort_ratsauce.dat". Be sure to set the permissions on this file so it can be read and written by the user ID under which CGI programs run, as you did with the test.dat file, and to initialise the counter value to "0" in the first line of the file. Now you can add the counter to your page with HTML like the following:

Visits to this page:
<img src="/cgi-bin/;pageid=roquefort_ratsauce"
    align="bottom" alt="Page Visit Counter" />

Test the page and verify that the counter appears and updates each time you reload the page. If you get a "broken image" instead of the counter, look at your Web server's error log to to see what went wrong; almost any error which causes PageVisits to fail will place a message in the log. If your site is so busy that Web server error messages scroll by faster than you can read them (as was the case here during the distributed denial of service attack against Fourmilab in early 2004), you can filter for lines containing the substring "PageVisits" to exclude other error messages.

Once the counter's working, you may wish to adjust its alignment on the page by changing the "align=" specification in the <img> URL, and/or choose a different font (see below) to better conform to your page design.

Configuring Referer Validation

In an ideal world, or indeed, even the far from ideal Internet of a few years ago, the above counter configuration would suffice. Regrettably, the "faculty club" Internet of yore has devolved into today's Internet slum, and when adding an active resource to a Web server, however rudimentary, one mustn't forget the bars on the windows, the motion detectors, and the vicious dog.

In the case of a Web counter, the risk consists of a malicious individual with too much time on their hands "running the counter" to inflate its value to absurd numbers in the interest of making it look like you're claiming bogus numbers of visits to your page or, more seriously, using the counter to consume resources on your Web server and thus keep it from processing legitimate requests in a timely fashion (hence, a "denial of service attack").

The best way to guard against this is to bind each counter to the complete URL of the page which references it. Since this URL will contain the name of your site, which is extracted from the page containing the reference to the counter, attackers won't easily be able to "hijack" your counter. To bind the counter to a page on your site, add a second line to the counter data file, after the line with the number of page visits. This line should begin with the string "HTTP_REFERER=" followed by the complete URL of the page which references the counter, for example:


With this as the second line in your roquefort_ratsauce.dat file, references to the counter in other pages on other sites will return a "broken image", neither updating the counter nor consuming resources on the Web server to create the counter image. Messages in the server error log will notify you of the attack, but the attacker won't receive any information which indicates what went wrong. Restricting access to your counter based on the HTTP_REFERER of the page which references it provides only protection against malicious users embedding your counter in other pages or running it up by repeatedly requesting its URL directly.

Note that referer validation provides only a rudimentary degree of security. An attacker who knows enough to forge requests from a browser can circumvent verification of the referring page. But then an attacker could run up your counter simply by requesting reloads of the page which references it over and over in a script. To cope with such attacks, you need comprehensive defence against denial of service attacks like the Invisible Gardol Shield employed at this site. Perhaps some day I'll find the time to adequately document that package, which is dozens of times more difficult to configure and install than PageViews, but when you need it, it's worth it.

Using Supplied Fonts

Seven fonts are included with PageVisits; a specimen of each font is given in the following table.

Font name Height Digits
times 13 times font specimen
courier 12 courier font specimen
helvetica 13 helvetica font specimen
newsgothic 26 newsgothic font specimen
brushscript 23 brushscript font specimen
curlz 27 curlz font specimen
arabic 36 arabic font specimen

By default, the "times" font is used. To specify a different font, add a "font=" argument to the PageVisits image request URL. For example, to use the courier font, you might specify the following:

Visits to this page: <img src="/cgi-bin/;pageid=rat_a_tailie&amp;font=courier"
    align="bottom" alt="Page Visit Counter" />

A font simply consists of ten files, one for each of the digits from 0 to 9, in Netpbm "PPM" format. The digits may be black and white bitmaps, grey scale images, or full colour--regardless of the image type, the file name for a given digit is always the font name followed by the digit with an extension of ".ppm, for example "times4.ppm".

Adding Custom Fonts

If none of the fonts included with PageVisits appeals to you, it's easy to make your own font. For example, here's a font I created just for arachnophiles. To create a font, simply create an image containing the digits from 0 through 9 in the font and size you prefer. spider font specimen It's best to include two or three spaces between the digits; that makes it easier to isolate them. Load the image into your favourite image editing program and select each digit and paste it into a blank file, then save each digit's image as a separate file in Netpbm Portable Pixmap (.ppm) format, with the name of the font followed by the digit number. All of the images should have the same height and be clipped with the same baseline. The digit images can have different widths--if the font isn't monospace, you should crop the digits to have uniform space to the left and right of the digit.

Although the digit images always have an extension of .ppm they may, in fact, be monochrome bitmaps (PBM), grey scale images (PGM), or full-colour (PPM); the digits in a font don't even need to all be the same image type. To save space, save the digit images in the most compact form: if the images are grey-scale, saving them as PGM reduces the digit file size by a factor of three; they're pure black and white bitmaps, saving them as PBM compresses them 24 times compared to PPM format.

After you've made the bitmaps for your new font, it's a good idea to test them to make sure the vertical alignment and spacing between digits looks good. You can override the value of a counter by specifying a "value=number" argument in the request URL, for example:

<img src="/cgi-bin/;pageid=test&amp;font=myfont&amp;value=1234567890"
    align="bottom" alt="Page Visit Counter" />

Note that even when you're testing a counter with a "value=" specification the "dir=" and "pageid=" specifications must specify a valid directory and counter file. The value of the counter will not, however, be incremented.

Okay, okay. You can use the following link to download the spider font. Use it wisely.

Download Spider Font

This software is in the public domain. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, without any conditions or restrictions. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
Valid XHTML 1.0
by John Walker
13th October 2004

Fourmilab Home Page