This page describes, in Unix manual page style, programs available for downloading from this site which translate MIDI music files into a human- and computer-readable CSV (Comma-Separated Value) format, suitable for manipulation by spreadsheet, database, or text processing utilities, and re-encoding processed CSV files into MIDI. No information is lost in transforming a MIDI file to CSV and back.
For decades, MIDI files have been the lingua franca of electronic musicians. Representing music at the level of a musical score, as opposed to a performance as do audio files such as MP3, they allow compositions to be manipulated in ways creative musicians do—orchestrated, assigned to different instruments, transposed to different keys, and adjusted in tempo, just to name a few. Most musicians work on MIDI files using special-purpose music editing programs called (for historical reasons) sequencers. These programs are ideally suited for capturing music as it is played and editing it into a final composition, but often lack the ability to easily apply transformations in bulk to large collections of music files (for example, changing instrument assignments for a set of files from those of one studio to another), algorithmically transforming music, or programmatically generating new music.
MIDI files are stored in a compact binary form intended to optimise speed (and hence reduce latency) on limited speed MIDI channels, while not overly taxing the processing power of the humble microcontrollers employed by instruments in the epoch when MIDI was developed. While well-suited to its intended purposes, MIDI files are somewhat difficult to read and write without a special-purpose library, particularly in commonly used text processing languages such as Perl and Python which are otherwise ideally suited to the kinds of transformations one often wishes to apply to MIDI-encoded music.
The midicsv and csvmidi programs allow you to use text processing tools to transform MIDI files or create them from scratch. midicsv converts a MIDI file into a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) text file, preserving all the information in the original MIDI file. The format of the CSV file is deliberately designed to facilitate processing by text manipulation tools. The csvmidi program reads CSV files in this format and creates an equivalent MIDI file. Processing a MIDI file through midicsv and then csvmidi will result in a completely equivalent (although, for technical reasons relating to options in MIDI file compression, not necessarily byte-for-byte identical) MIDI file.
Odds are, if these utilities are what you're looking for, you've already thought of half a dozen ways to apply them to MIDI file manipulation. The following examples show how easy it is to transform MIDI files once they're expressed in CSV format. All of these examples are written in the Perl language; it's well suited to tasks of this type and it's the tool I reach for when faced with such problems. Any other language with comparable facilities for text manipulation is equally applicable. Source code for all of these Perl programs is included in the midicsv distribution. In the interest of brevity, I've elided comments in the program listings below and moved discussion to text preceding each example. If you don't have a hardware MIDI synthesiser, you can play MIDI files on most computers with the TiMidity++ software synthesiser, which can also create wave audio files from MIDI songs.
All note events in the MIDI files, except those on channel 9, which the General MIDI standard dedicates to percussion, are shifted by the $offset, set in this example to −12, hence one octave lower. The Perl program simply filters the CSV representation of the MIDI file looking for note-on and note-off events. It excludes those for channel 9 (percussion), then applies the offset to the note number of the remaining events. This program might be used to transform a MIDI file with a pipeline like:
midicsv song.mid | perl | csvmidi >tsong.mid
$offset = -12; $percussion = 9; while ($a = <>) { if ($a =~ s/(\d+,\s*\d+,\s*Note_\w+,\s*(\d+),\s*)(\d+)//) { $n = $3; if ($2 != $percussion) { $n += $offset; } if ($n < 0) { next; } $a = "$1$n$a"; } print($a); }
All note events in the MIDI files, except those on channel 9, which the General MIDI standard dedicates to percussion, are duplicated with the $offset, set in this example to −12, hence one octave lower. This is very similar to the transposition example above, but instead of replacing notes by offset notes, adds simultaneously sounded offset notes. When used with a negative $offset of one or more octave, this “fattens” the bass of a composition. Try it! This program may be used to transform a MIDI file with a pipeline like:
midicsv song.mid | perl | csvmidi >tsong.mid
$offset = -12; $percussion = 9; while ($a = <>) { print($a); if ($a =~ s/(\d+,\s*\d+,\s*Note_\w+,\s*(\d+),\s*)(\d+)//) { if ($2 != $percussion) { $n = $3; $n += $offset; if ($n < 0) { next; } $a = "$1$n$a"; print($a); } } }
Here's a program which extracts all MIDI events pertaining to a given channel ($which_channel in the program below), passing through the rest of the MIDI file structure. With $which_channel set to 9, as in this example, this program will extract the percussion track from a General MIDI file. You can run this program with a pipeline such as:
midicsv song.mid | perl | csvmidi >tsong.mid
$which_channel = 9; while ($a = <>) { if (!($a =~ m/\s*[\#\;]/)) { # Ignore comment lines if ($a =~ m/\s*\d+\s*,\s*\d+\s*,\s*\w+_c\s*,\s*(\d+)/) { if ($1 == $which_channel) { print($a); } } else { print($a); } } }
This is about the simplest drum machine imaginable. You define a rudimentary rhythm track in an Perl array, then call the &loop function to play it a given number of times. It's so simpleminded, it doesn't even allow overlap of percussion hits—each note ends before the next sounds. A percussion note of 0 denotes a rest. This example includes the file, included in the distribution, which defines two hashes that allow you to specify General MIDI patches (programs/instruments) and percussion note numbers by name. To run this program and create a ready-to-play MIDI file, use the pipeline:
perl | csvmidi >drumtrack.mid
require ''; # Repeats, Note, # Duration, Velocity @track = (4, $GM_Percussion{'Acoustic Bass Drum'}, 480, 127, 4, $GM_Percussion{'Low-Mid Tom'}, 240, 127, 1, 0, 120, 0, 2, $GM_Percussion{'Hand Clap'}, 240, 127, 1, 0, 240, 0 ); print << "EOD"; 0, 0, Header, 1, 1, 480 1, 0, Start_track 1, 0, Tempo, 500000 EOD $time = 0; &loop(4, @track); print << "EOD"; 1, $time, End_track 0, 0, End_of_file EOD sub note { # ¬e($note_number, $duration [, $velocity]) local ($which, $duration, $vel) = @_; if ($which > 0) { if (!defined($vel)) { $vel = 127; } print("1, $time, Note_on_c, 9, $which, $vel\n"); } $time += $duration; if ($which > 0) { print("1, $time, Note_off_c, 9, $which, 0\n"); } } sub loop { # &loop($ntimes, @track) local ($loops, @tr) = @_; local ($i, $r); for ($i = 0; $i < $loops; $i++) { local @t = @tr; while ($#t > 0) { local ($repeats, $note, $duration, $velocity) = splice(@t, 0, 4); for ($r = 0; $r < $repeats; $r++) { ¬e($note, $duration, $velocity); } } } }
Finally, we have this dumb-as-a-bag-of-hair algorithmic composer which simulates an around the bend musician noodling on an electric guitar. There's accompaniment by a cymbal, and a cymbal crash and utterly unwarranted applause at the end. This program isn't presented for its musical merit, but simply to illustrate how easy it is to generate arbitrary MIDI music files by writing CSV which is fed through csvmidi. This example also uses the definitions in the It may be run as follows:
perl | csvmidi >performance.mid
require ''; $instrument = $GM_Patch{'Distortion Guitar'}; $tonespan = 32; $num_notes = 120; $percussion = $GM_Percussion{'Ride Cymbal 1'}; $beat = 6; print << "EOD"; 0, 0, Header, 1, 1, 480 1, 0, Start_track 1, 0, Tempo, 500000 1, 0, Program_c, 1, $instrument EOD $time = 0; srand(time()); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_notes; $i++) { $n = 60 + int((rand() * $tonespan) - int($tonespan / 2)); $notelength = 120 + (60 * int(rand() * 6)); ¬e(1, $n, $notelength, 127); if (($i % $beat) == 0) { print("1, $time, Note_on_c, 9, $percussion, 127\n"); } elsif (($i % $beat) == ($beat - 1)) { print("1, $time, Note_off_c, 9, $percussion, 0\n"); } } # Cymbal crash at end $cymbal = $GM_Percussion{'Crash Cymbal 2'}; print("1, $time, Note_on_c, 9, $cymbal, 127\n"); $time += 480; print("1, $time, Note_off_c, 9, $cymbal, 0\n"); # Audience applause $time += 480; print("1, $time, Program_c, 1, $GM_Patch{'Applause'}\n"); print("1, $time, Note_on_c, 1, 60, 100\n"); for ($i = 16; $i <= 32; $i++) { $time += 120; $v = int(127 * ($i / 32)); print("1, $time, Poly_aftertouch_c, 1, 60, $v\n"); } for ($i = 32; $i >= 0; $i--) { $time += 240; $v = int(127 * ($i / 32)); print("1, $time, Poly_aftertouch_c, 1, 60, $v\n"); } print("1, $time, Note_off_c, 1, 60, 0\n"); print << "EOD"; 1, $time, End_track 0, 0, End_of_file EOD # ¬e($channel, $note_number, $duration [, $velocity]) sub note { local ($channel, $which, $duration, $vel) = @_; if (!defined($vel)) { $vel = 127; } print("1, $time, Note_on_c, $channel, $which, $vel\n"); $time += $duration; print("1, $time, Note_off_c, $channel, $which, 0\n"); }
The archive contains source code for the utilities, a Makefile for Unix systems, and ready-to-run executables for 32-bit Windows platforms. If you require only the Windows executables, you can download a Zipped archive containing just those files.
midicsv reads a standard MIDI file and decodes it into a CSV (Comma-Separated Value) file which preserves all the information in the MIDI file. The ASCII CSV file may be loaded into a spreadsheet or database application, or processed by a program to transform the MIDI data (for example, to key transpose a composition or extract a track from a multi-track sequence). A CSV file in the format created by midicsv may be converted back into a standard MIDI file with the csvmidi program.
If no infile is specified or infile is “-”, midicsv reads its input from standard input; if no outfile is given or outfile is “-”, CSV output is written to standard output. The input and output are processed in a strictly serial manner; consequently midicsv may be used in pipelines without restrictions.
midicsv assumes its input is a well-formed standard MIDI file; while some error checking is performed, gross errors in the input file may cause midicsv to crash.
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csvmidi reads a CSV (Comma-Separated Value) file in the format written by midicsv and creates the equivalent standard MIDI file.
If no errors or warnings are detected csvmidi exits with status 0. A status of of 1 is returned if one or more errors were detected in the CSV input file, while a status of 2 indicates a syntax error on the command line or inability to open the input or output file.
If no infile is specified or infile is “-”, csvmidi reads its input from standard input; if no outfile is given or outfile is “-”, MIDI output is written to standard output. The input and output are processed in a strictly serial manner; consequently csvmidi may be used in pipelines without restrictions.
csvmidi assumes its input is in the format written by midicsv. If supplied a CSV file with well-formed records which nonetheless makes no semantic sense as a MIDI file, the results will, in all likelihood, simply perplex any program or instrument to which it's sent. csvmidi checks for missing fields and range checks all numeric values, but does not perform higher-level consistency checking (for example, making sure that every note on event is paired with a subsequent note off). That level of verification, if required, should be done on the CSV file before it is processed by csvmidi.
Exporting a file to CSV with midicsv and then importing it with csvmidi is not guaranteed to create an identical MIDI file. MIDI files support compression modes which are not obligatory. A MIDI file exported to CSV and then re-imported should, however, be equivalent to the original file and should, if exported to CSV, be identical to the CSV exported from the original file.
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The midicsv and csvmidi programs permit you to intertranslate standard MIDI files and comma-separated value (CSV) files. These CSV files preserve all information in the MIDI file, and may be loaded into spreadsheet and database programs or easily manipulated with text processing tools. This document describes the CSV representation of MIDI files written by midicsv and read by csvmidi. Readers are assumed to understand the structure, terminology, and contents of MIDI files—please refer to a MIDI file reference for details.
Each record in the CSV representation of a MIDI contains at least three fields:
Records in the CSV file are sorted first by the track number, then by time. Out of order records will be discarded with an error message from csvmidi. Following the three required fields are parameter fields which depend upon the Type; some Types take no parameters. Each Type and its parameter fields is discussed below.
Any line with an initial nonblank character of “#” or “;” is ignored; either delimiter may be used to introduce comments in a CSV file. Only full-line comments are permitted; you cannot use these delimiters to terminate scanning of a regular data record. Completely blank lines are ignored.
The following events occur within MIDI tracks and specify various kinds of information and actions. They may appear at any time within the track. Those which provide general information for which time is not relevant usually appear at the start of the track with Time zero, but this is not a requirement.
Many of these meta-events include a text string argument. Text strings are output in CSV records enclosed in ASCII double quote (") characters. Quote characters embedded within strings are represented by two consecutive quotes. Non-graphic characters in the ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 set are output as a backslash followed by their three digit octal character code. Two consecutive backslashes denote a literal backslash in the string. Strings in MIDI files can be extremely long, theoretically as many as 228−1 characters; programs which process MIDI CSV files should take care to avoid buffer overflows or truncation resulting from lines containing long string items. All meta-events which take a text argument are identified by a suffix of “_t”.
These events are the “meat and potatoes” of MIDI files: the actual notes and modifiers that command the instruments to play the music. Each has a MIDI channel number as its first argument, followed by event-specific parameters. To permit programs which process CSV files to easily distinguish them from meta-events, names of channel events all have a suffix of “_c”.
System Exclusive events permit storing vendor-specific information to be transmitted to that vendor's products.
The following CSV file defines the five-note motif from the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind using an organ patch from the General MIDI instrument set. When processed by midicsv and sent to a synthesiser which conforms to General MIDI, the sequence will be played.
0, 0, Header, 1, 2, 480 1, 0, Start_track 1, 0, Title_t, "Close Encounters" 1, 0, Text_t, "Sample for MIDIcsv Distribution" 1, 0, Copyright_t, "This file is in the public domain" 1, 0, Time_signature, 4, 2, 24, 8 1, 0, Tempo, 500000 1, 0, End_track 2, 0, Start_track 2, 0, Instrument_name_t, "Church Organ" 2, 0, Program_c, 1, 19 2, 0, Note_on_c, 1, 79, 81 2, 960, Note_off_c, 1, 79, 0 2, 960, Note_on_c, 1, 81, 81 2, 1920, Note_off_c, 1, 81, 0 2, 1920, Note_on_c, 1, 77, 81 2, 2880, Note_off_c, 1, 77, 0 2, 2880, Note_on_c, 1, 65, 81 2, 3840, Note_off_c, 1, 65, 0 2, 3840, Note_on_c, 1, 72, 81 2, 4800, Note_off_c, 1, 72, 0 2, 4800, End_track 0, 0, End_of_file
The CSV representation of a MIDI file is simply a text-oriented encoding of its contents. If the input to midicsv contains errors which violate the MIDI standard, the resulting CSV file will faithfully replicate these errors. Similarly, the CSV input to csvmidi must not only consist of records which conform to the syntax given in this document, the input as a whole must also be a semantically correct MIDI file. Programs which wish to use csvmidi to generate MIDI files from scratch should be careful to conform to the structure required of MIDI files. When in doubt, use midicsv to dump a sequence comparable to the one your program will create and use its structure as a template for your own.
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This software is in the public domain. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, without any conditions or restrictions. This software is provided “as is” without express or implied warranty.