Named Features on Pluto

Feature Types


Name Lat. Lon. Diam.
Adlivun Cavus 15.40° S 171.14° W 21.4


Name Lat. Lon. Diam.
Burney 45.68° N 133.79° E 296.0
Elliot 12.04° N 138.86° E 96.0


Name Lat. Lon. Diam.
Tartarus Dorsa 8.50° N 126.91° W 850.0


Name Lat. Lon. Diam.
Djanggawul Fossae 41.00° N 84.31° E 585.0
Sleipnir Fossa 23.70° N 125.49° W 508.0
Virgil Fossae 5.23° N 122.76° E 710.0


Name Lat. Lon. Diam.
Al-Idrisi Montes 33.99° N 156.01° E 383.0
Hillary Montes 3.26° N 169.58° E 388.0
Tenzing Montes 15.61° S 177.38° E 283.0


Name Lat. Lon. Diam.
Sputnik Planitia 19.51° N 178.69° E 1492.0


Name Lat. Lon. Diam.
Tombaugh Regio 7.62° N 176.78° W 2300.0


Name Lat. Lon. Diam.
Hayabusa Terra 46.07° N 130.12° W 1115.0
Voyager Terra 60.08° N 153.52° E 843.0

Solar system body nomenclature courtesy of the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature maintained by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN) and published by the International Astronomical Union, U. S. Geological Survey Astrogeology Science Center, and NASA. This page was generated from a database last updated on 2018-04-19.