MonkeyC.jpg Microsoft saw fit to include a bumper sticker in the Visual C++ update package delivered to "subscribers" to that piece Presumably, since the sticker was too small to cover the monitor screen and thus hide the hostile face of the product it accompanied, it must be intended to be affixed to the rear bumper of subscribers' cars, allowing them to identify one another in the Burgermaster parking lot and console themselves that, whatever their misery, they have plenty of company. Well, after a month of "bouncing buttons", crashes in the debugger, lost .MDP files, accidental dockings of toolbars, screwball settings, daft defaults, crazy context sensitivities, etc., etc., with the bumper sticker still sitting on my desk, I finally decided to do something with it. Like any Microsoft product, it took only a moment's thought to find ways in which it could be improved. This file is my "service pack" for the Visual C++ bumper sticker. If you'd like to use this image, p-p-p-p-please copy it to your server and reference it locally rather than pointing to the files here. Even my well-developed sense of the absurd has difficulty with the idea of documents all over the world including pictures from Switzerland. This image is in the public domain. The original bumper sticker bore no copyright. Microsoft is a registered trademark and Visual C++ is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. -- John Walker,