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Saturday, March 6, 2021

CONTINUITY: Iluminatus!

I'm currently re-reading, for the first time since it was originally published in the mid 1970s, Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus Trilogy.

This is, more than 45 years later, just what you need to understand and appreciate the absurdity of the 2020s.

“But they can rule by fraud, and by fraud eventually acquire access to the tools they need to finish the job of killing the Constitution.”

“What sort of tools?”

“More stringent security measures. Universal electronic surveillance. No-knock laws. Stop and frisk laws. Government inspection of first-class mail. Automatic fingerprinting, photographing, and urinalysis of any person arrested before he is charged with a crime. A law making it unlawful to resist even unlawful arrest. Laws establishing detention camps for potential subversives. Gun control laws. Restrictions on travel. … Instead of realizing that there is a conspiracy, conducted by a handful of men, the people reason—or are manipulated into reasoning—that the entire populace must have its freedom restricted in order to protect the leaders.”

This is a quote from a book published in 1975 (p. 220).

Get a copy of your own before it's cancelled and disappeared.

Posted at March 6, 2021 23:26