Quarter Million Year Canon of Solar System Transits

More than two months of computer time, nine billion numerical integration steps, trillions of floating point operations, five terabytes of intermediate results, and 3.6 gigabytes of output went into the preparation of this catalogue of every transit of a planet in front of the Sun as viewed from any other planet in the Solar System for the years ±125,000. If you missed the recent transits of Mercury and Venus, here's your guide to coming attractions (as well as what you've missed), including the simultaneous transit of Mercury and Venus visible from Earth in July 69163, the triple transit of Venus, Earth, and the Moon from Saturn in December 23364, and much more—a total of 1,011,793 transits in all. Animations and images illustrate rare events, and all data and the programs used to produce them may be downloaded for your own investigations.